If you are missing one or more teeth, you are well aware of the impact on your appearance, chewing function, and overall dental health. Your teeth work together for many daily functions from eating to speaking. With missing teeth, it can be quite difficult to perform these otherwise normal daily activities. Beyond all of that, missing teeth should be replaced to maintain the integrity of your gums and jaw bone. Fixed dental bridges are a simple yet highly effective way to restore your dental health and appearance.

Before treatment

Before treatment

After treatment with dental bridge

After treatment with dental bridge
What Is A Dental Bridge?
To replace a missing tooth with a bridge, at least one tooth on either side of the space created by the missing tooth must be prepared for a crown. At that point, a false tooth is joined to each crowns, and the entire structure is cemented to the prepared teeth. The patient cannot remove the bridge, and special aids are made available to keep it clean.
Below, are answers to some of your questions as to why you need a dental bridge.
Why Do I Need a Dental Bridge?
Oral functionality and appearance are important reasons for wearing a bridge. A bridge helps support your lips and cheeks and keeps your jaw line looking strong The loss of a back tooth may cause your mouth to sink and your face to look older over time. In addition, missing teeth can result in speech disorders, given that they are used to make many of the sounds we use to speak clearly.
But aesthetics are not as important as dental health, which is the key reason for needing a dental bridge. Teeth were designed to complement each other. Unusual stresses are placed on the gums and other oral tissues when teeth are missing, causing a number of potentially harmful disorders.
For instance, increased risk of gum disease has proven to be one of the worst side effects of missing teeth. This risk can be mitigated with a dental bridge.
What Materials Are Used for a Dental Bridge?
Bridges are commonly made from gold alloys, non-precious alloys, high strength ceramics, or a combination of each.
Do I Have to Clean a Dental Bridge the Same Way I Do Natural Teeth?
Oral hygiene is just as critical. A dental bridge relies upon neighboring teeth for support. As dental plaque accumulates under the bridge, special floss (super floss) is needed to clean the area daily.
If you have any questions about dental bridges, including cost, contact Vancouver Dental Specialty Clinic at 604-336-0958.
The results in the photographs are examples only and do not imply any certainty of the result of a procedure, and all outcomes are subject to the circumstances of the individual patient.