How to Stop Gingivitis and Gum Disease: A Guide on Avoiding and Treating

Stop Gingivitis
Stop Gingivitis

Are you one of the 16 million Canadians that have gingivitis or gum disease? This widespread dental issue can cause mild gum irritation to severe dental problems and tooth loss.

Knowing how to stop gingivitis can keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent more serious dental complications. Follow this guide to learn how to prevent and reverse the signs of gingivitis so you can have healthy gums.

How to Prevent Gingivitis?

You can avoid developing gingivitis and gum disease by taking simple steps to maintain your oral health. Turn these tips into a daily routine to ensure you keep your teeth and gums clean.

Brush Your Teeth

Start by brushing your teeth at least twice a day. It's best if you can brush after every meal.

Use the Right Toothbrush

It's best to use an electric toothbrush to maximize your cleaning potential. If you prefer the feel of a manual toothbrush, opt for one with soft bristles that won't irritate your gums. Whether you have an electric or manual, you should replace the bristles every three months.

Floss and Mouthwash

It isn't enough to just brush. You also need to floss daily and use a mouthwash. These will help free the food particles from between your teeth and kill any germs and bacteria lurking in your mouth.

Regular Professional Cleanings

Daily brushing is great, but not as effective as professional cleaning. You should visit your dentist at least once a year to get a deep clean of your teeth. Your dentist will also check your teeth and gums for any complications, which will prevent small issues from becoming major problems.

How to Stop Gingivitis

If you haven't had the best oral hygiene habits, you may have the beginning stages of gingivitis. You can take a few steps at home to reverse these first signs. Gingivitis may turn to periodontitis/periodontal bone loss if you ignore the first signs of gum inflammation. Teeth are supported with the periodontal bone, tooth mobility/loss will happen if the periodontal bone gets compromise with bacteria and inflammation.

Saltwater Rinse

Salt is a natural disinfectant. Create a saltwater rinse by mixing 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water. Swish the solution for 30 seconds and then spit it out after brushing.

Antibacterial Toothpaste and Mouthwash

If you have a more advanced form of gingivitis, you may need something stronger. Your dentist can prescribe an antibacterial toothpaste and mouthwash. You'll use these daily for the specified amount of time to reverse the effects of gingivitis.

It's best to revisit your dentist after your prescription cycle to have them recheck your gums. They will be able to advise you on whether further treatment is required.

Enjoy Your Healthy Mouth

Now that you know how to stop gingivitis and maintain healthy gums, it's time to put these tips into practice. Create a daily routine to make it easy. With consistency, you should start to see an improvement in your gum health.

If your gingivitis is more advanced, you may need the assistance of a periodontists/gum specialist. Don't hesitate to seek out professional treatment, or you risk the problem becoming more advanced.

Schedule an appointment today and have our team help treat your gingivitis/gum disease.


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