We’ve all been there before. You hop on an airplane, and midway through your flight, your teeth start to hurt. You haven’t had any dental pain at all as of late, but something has aggravated your teeth and now you’re having a rough flight as a result.
This can be a terrible way to start a business trip or a vacation, which is why it’s wise to avoid the scenario completely if you can. The good news is, you can absolutely avoid it if you know what to do and when to do it.
So, why why do my teeth hurt on planes? And what can I do to prevent the pain from happening again? We’ve got the answers to these questions, and more, in this article!
Now then, let’s get started!
Why Does it Happen?
If you’ve ever ridden on a plane and felt a sharp pain in your teeth, your first question is most likely “what is going on with my teeth?”
Well, believe it or not, there’s actually a medical term for the pain your feeling: barodontalgia. Barodontalgia is a fancy way to describe the pain you feel in your teeth during a change in ambient pressure.
Barondontelgia isn’t exclusive to planes, either. If you’ve ever gone scuba diving or driven up a mountain and felt that same pain, it’s also barodontalgia.
Is Something Wrong?
If you’re 30,000 miles in the air and your teeth start to hurt, your next question is most likely “is something wrong with my teeth?” The short answer? Most likely.
Things like early-developing cavities or tooth decay can cause this pain to occur. And sure, if your teeth are somewhat healthy, you might not feel the pain in your everyday life.
But those gaps in your teeth are only going to get bigger, and harder to fix the longer you delay, which is why you should act fast to get them repaired.
What Can I Do to Prevent it?
Last but not least, you’re probably wondering what you can do to prevent the pain from ever happening again. Well, as we touched on earlier, the best way to prevent the issue from happening again is to repair any issues with your teeth.
Routine dental visits can help you spot these issues early, and again, they’re much easier to fix when the problems are small and just starting to develop.
But, if you’re already out of town, and are looking for a way to avoid the pain on your flight back home, there are a few things you can do to help. Taking acetaminophen (like Tylenol) 30 minutes before your flight can help a great deal.
Avoiding cold beverages and food that may aggravate your teeth is also a good idea, too.
Why Do My Teeth Hurt on a Plane?
Well, there you have it! That is the answer to the “why do my teeth hurt on a plane?” question that we’ve all asked ourselves at some point. Now you know how to combat that pain, too, which is always helpful.
Remember, routine dental visits is without a doubt the best way to avoid any kind of tooth-related pain. So if you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, book an appointment with us today, that way we can make sure you’re pain-free the next time you hop on a plane!